Hiking with friends and family is always a summer time highlight. Be prepared for every trek by writing down a trip plan that answers six easy questions--Where, When, Who, Why, What and How.
**WHERE** are you going?
Think about your destination and the route to reach it.
**WHEN** will you return?
Make a reasonable prediction of when you will be back, and then be sure to return on time. Adults and others who know your plans can take steps to come to your aid if you are long overdue.
**WHO** is going with you?
Adventures are always enjoyable when shared with others, safer too.
**WHY** are you going?
Planning to see new country, practice map and compass skills, or to reach a distant hilltop? Even if the purpose of a trek is simply to walk for the sheer joy of walking, knowing why you are going will help you be fully prepared.
**WHAT** are you taking?
The Scout Basic Essentials should go on every Scout outing, including treks.
Scout Basic Essentials
Personal First aid Kit
Extra Clothing (socks)
Rain Gear
Water Container (full)
Trail food
Sun Protection
Map and Compass
Mosquitoe Repellent
**HOW** will you respect the land?
The BSA has adopted Leave No Trace as an effective way to care for the landscapes where Scouting activities take place.
The Principles of Leave No Trace
Plan ahead and BE PREPARED
Leave what you find
Stick to the trails
Trash your trash
Manage your pets
Respect other visitors